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Campus Recruiting

HomeCampus RecruitingAccounting assistant

Accounting assistant

Date:2024/3/22 14:51:56     Click:105

1, check the fee voucher, sort the fee voucher;
2. Responsible for classifying expenses and providing monthly reports.
3. Assist other accountants in sorting out vouchers and other auxiliary accounting work.
4. Participate in the warehouse drawing work.
5. Complete other affairs assigned by superiors.



Manager Li 13587478938 (wechat same number)
Ms. Pan 13656529006 (wechat same number)
QQ: 745336911
Add: No.86 Middle East Road, Juyu Town Industrial Park, Wencheng County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Company welfare: The company has a good environment, perfect production and cultural conditions, and has accommodation (two rooms, independent bathroom, hot water, air conditioning) and a canteen. Monthly payment of social security, year-end bonus, paid annual leave, education subsidy, skill certificate subsidy, etc. The company does not regularly hold staff group construction, trade union activities, staff travel and other recreational activities.